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How to manually upload the transactions to the Lovat platform


    1. After logging into your Lovat account, go to the Stores section and ensure you have integrated and set up your store
    Stores section
    1. Go to the Transactions section and click Add Transactions in the top right corner.
    Add Transactions

    3. Choose your website in the drop-down box. Then, you will see the options for your type of sales (digital services or goods) and Tax calculation (choose I need to calculate tax for these transactions so that the platform can provide the correct tax amount). After that, click Next.

    Tax calculation
    1. You will be directed to the Import Transactions page. Click on Add file and choose the prefilled *.xlsx, *.xls file to upload.

    How a prefilled file should look like:

    Tax calculation

    In the Select range section below, choose the first and last data rows from your prefilled table (e.g., 2 and 22, meaning the last transaction row).

    In the Columns matching section, ensure that each column in your import file matches the system headers. 

    Tax calculation
    1. When everything is filled in, you can click Upload transactions. After that, you will see the green message at the top of the page – Transactions are successfully uploaded.
    Tax calculation
    1. Go to the Transactions section and choose the period you need. The uploaded transactions will be displayed there.
    Tax calculation

    Need help with manual uploads? Contact our support team info@vatcompliance.co

    Guide to Filling the Transactions Table

    General Notes:

    Ensure that all data is accurate and follows the required formats.

    Leave fields blank if information is not available or not applicable.

    Save the file after making updates to avoid losing progress.

    Step-by-Step Instructions for columns

    Name Description

    Transaction ID

    Enter a unique identifier for each transaction. If unavailable, leave blank

    Transaction datetime (required)

    Input the date and time in YYYY-MM-DD format (e.g., 2024-01-15)

    Order ID

    Record the order’s unique identifier. Leave blank if missing

    Parent Transaction ID

    If the transaction is linked to another (e.g., a refund), enter the parent transaction ID. Otherwise, leave it blank

    Transaction status (required)

    This field is not mandatory but is recommended for clarity. Indicate the status (e.g., “Success,” “Refund,” or “Chargeback”).

    Transaction sum (required)

    Specify the amount with two decimal places (e.g., 1234.56)

    Transaction currency (required)

    Use the ISO 4217 three-letter currency code (e.g., EUR, USD)

    Shipment fee

    Enter the shipping cost with two decimal places if applicable. Leave blank if not relevant


    Enter the marketplace name if applicable

    Departure country

    Use the ISO 3166-1 alpha-3 code (e.g., GBR for the UK)

    Departure ZIP (required) 

    This is optional but recommended for U.S. orders. Input the postal code if available

    Departure State

    Fill if applicable; otherwise, leave blank

    Departure City

    Provide city details (up to 255 characters)

    Departure address line

    Input the address (up to 255 characters)

    Arrival country

    Use ISO 3166-1 alpha-3 codes (e.g., POL for Poland)

    Arrival ZIP

    Relevant for U.S. orders; input the postal code. Not required for other regions

    Arrival State

    Provide details if applicable

    Arrival City

    Input city details (up to 255 characters)

    Arrival address line

    Provide the address line (up to 255 characters)

    Payment date time (required)

    If left blank, the value from Transaction datetime will be used by default. Enter the payment date and time in YYYY-MM-DD format

    Payment method

    Use an identifier (e.g., 1) for the method used

    Buyer ID

    Enter the buyer’s unique identifier, if available

    Buyer name

    Provide the buyer’s name, or leave it blank if not applicable

    Buyer VAT

    Input the buyer’s VAT number, if available

    Good code (required)

    Mandatory field if the transaction involves a reduced or zero VAT rate. Use the product code (e.g., 90049090). Leave blank if not applicable

    Item description

    Provide a brief product description, if applicable


    Specify the number of items in the order

    Frequently asked questions

    Is this the default template, or can we change it?

    It is the default template that uploads the transaction to our platform. Please fill it out and let us know if you have any questions.

    What should be indicated in the Shipment fee field?

    If the goods have no delivery, this field is left empty. If with delivery, we specify the amount in the same currency as in the column – Transaction currency.

    If I need to REFUND a transaction - in which column should I specify REFUND?

    In the Transaction status column, specify the refund status instead of the success status. Then, in the Transaction sum column, specify the amount with a minus sign (-).

    If you have specified the Transaction Id of the transaction for which the refund is needed, you should specify it in the Parent TransactionID column when refunding.

    Does the transaction sum include VAT?

    In the section ‘I need to calculate tax’ – when you fill in the Transaction sum column, you specify the amount, including VAT, and the platform calculates VAT from this specified amount. 

    Will the following format of our time (after seconds, there will be thousandths, and the letter Z) suit you? For example, 2023-09-03 17:50:02.143Z

    The time format is suitable with or without Z.

    Where can we indicate the delivery price?

    You can add this to the Shipment fee section. If the goods are without delivery, this field is left empty; if they are with delivery, specify the amount in the same currency as in the column – Transaction currency.